+420 721 065 002

Who am I
My name is Rostislav Blaha. I am currently fighting under the banner of Seznam.cz, namely for improvement of the mobile web. I also fight for better icons, simpler forms and more intuitive interface in general. My enemies are deadlines, quickly developing competition and QR codes (I hated them even before it became mainstream). I count good judgment, good sense for colors and for composition and usability testing among my best weapons.
In other words – I am trying to change the Internet from geek-only to a more people-friendly place. This is a difficult and long struggle and it requires my full attention. That is the reason why I am temporarily not accepting any new work contracts.
Following list includes a number of selected projects in which I have been involved as a graphic designer and an user interface designer:
Redesign obrazky.cz (2013)
Redesign gridzzly.com (2012)
Redesign m.email.cz (2012)
Redesign m.seznam.cz (2011)
Spuštění 8x8px.com (2011)
LinkedIn – about me professionally
Dribbble – my design showcase
Logopond – my logo showcase
Dailymile – my training log
+420 721 065 002
© 2010 - 2011 Rostislav Blaha. Všechna práva vyhrazena!